Thursday, July 5, 2007

I'm in love!

With my new grill.

I spent a good part of my holiday putting it together. And it works! Without explosions! Yay me!

So, naturally, we used it to prepare dinner on last night. It was just hot dogs (The Girl's choice), but they were spectacular!

Afterward, we lounged outside with King o' the Pekes. He developed an affinity for ice; it was hilarious giving it to him, then watching him treat it like -- well, a doggie treat.

We bought a few fireworks. (Unfortunately, they were out of my favorites -- sparklers.) We had a grand display in our little corner of the world -- the neighbors did their fireworks at the same time. One of them spared no expense, so we got to see some of the huge splashes of light from our front lawn.

It was one of the best Fourths I remember in a long time. Good food, good company, and the weather couldn't have been more cooperative. I hope your holiday was just as great.

On a side note: The Girl has a boyfriend. Hold me.

1 comment:

empehi61 said...

My own personal Girl was otherwise occupied with her new "family;" i.e., her theater company, so my downstairs neighbor and I threw together a bunch of stuff and grilled steak and chicken. We had potato salad (mine), green salad with avocado (hers), pork and beans (Bush's), corn on the cob (farmers')and all sorts of fruit. It was wonderful. The weather was perfect. Not hot, not cold, just baby bear right.

As to Girls and boyfriends, all I have to say is, "strap in, it's gonna be a wild ride!" (((C.L.)))