Sunday, March 25, 2007

Sunday musings

I like quiet Sundays like this one. They give me a chance to sit back and reflect.

My Girl is growing up way too fast. She issued me one of my toughest periods of motherhood yet last week. I long for her to be small again so I can cradle her in my arms and protect her from the world, yet I'm anxious to see the woman she'll become.

She's such a study in contrasts, that Girl of mine. She flirts with the "emoness" of her generation while setting her sights on Oxford. She's confident in her unique sense of style, yet longs to fit in. She's an interesting blend of her father and me who maintains individuality.

In the midst of giving me about 500 new grey hairs this week, she gave me one of the greatest gifts ever. She asked me to check out her "new and improved" MySpace. I admired her new name, choice of music and told her, to her chagrin, that I agree with her father about her background and that maybe she'd like to choose a new one.

And then I saw it -- in the "heroes" category, first on the list, is "my mom."

My eyes filled with tears. "Really?!?"

She showed me that smile -- the one that extends all the way to her eyes. "I can't believe you didn't know," she said. "You're so strong in the way you handle things."

She's my miracle -- my life's true joy.

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